
About Fullbax

Hi, I’m Marek

Fullbax.com – China Import Agency is a business that I decided to develop from the inside out. I use all the knowledge and experience related to importing from China, which I gained over the years by living and running business here.

4 years of residency in China
7 years of living in Asia
12 years of experience

I’ve been living in Asia for 7 years, and for 4 years in China, in the city of Guangzhou (Canton) – the headquarters of the oldest and largest trade fairs in China. I made my first steps in Chinese imports 12 years ago in Poland. The Chinese B2B portals were still in their infancy, and 90% of the suppliers announcing there were scammers. There were no such companies as Fullbax.com in Poland. And even if they were, I wouldn’t be able to afford them with micro orders that I was able to place at the time. And how do you think? Did I lose during the first contracts? Sure. Not once and twice. However, after each loss (full or partial), further financial losses came later and were smaller. I learned from my mistakes and it was the most effective.


Although the mistakes hurt the most, they teach at the same time. And you won’t get this knowledge from reading. As people running their businesses, you probably know it from your own experience. I haven’t lost a single penny for a long time. I import from China and sell for my own account. I already have a well-developed distribution chain and regular customers. My own business no longer needs as much attention as at the beginning. I have great business partners in Europe and the USA. In addition, by importing goods from China for my own account for many years, this process is easy for me. Predictable, but still very pleasant. That’s why I want to help others in this matter.

China Imports
Why did I bet on Fullbax?

I’ve lived in Asia for many years and have helped my friends many times to import products from China. I organized business trips and trade representatives for them during trade fairs in China. I also helped people from the recommendation of a close circle of my friends. Everyone was satisfied with my help, that’s why I thought about transforming friendship services into official business services. A few months ago I realised that I have a lot of free time and it would be worth to build something new. And that’s how the idea for Fullbax.com was born. A special mention belongs to my friends who used my help before. They gave me an idea for a company that helps Polish companies interested in importing goods from China. In addition, I live in China, so it’s only natural that I decided to develop myself in this direction. I bet on Fullbax.com.

Fullbax Website
What information can you find on this website?

You’ve probably noticed that the Fullbax company website is quite extensive. It has a lot of content that I have personally prepared. It would be great if you were familiar with them, although it would take a few minutes. I tried to prepare the Fullbax website so that it would provide you with the most useful information. About my services, about how I work, about what I can help you with. I wanted to tell you everything as if we were talking. And not as dry information listed from points. I like websites like mine myself, so I hope that you will like my way of presenting the offer. And also that together we will do a lot of good business in China.

I recommend using Fullbax to import from China & more

Praktyczny poradnik: 5 kluczowych elementów minimalizacji ryzyka importu z Chin, cz.1.