Articles for animals

06 August 2022
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals
Articles for animals

Animals articles

The order is not complicated in terms of certificates, but the complication is caused by its diversity. Such orders are quite labor-intensive at the very stage of ordering (there will always be something missing, something that needs to be replaced, color changes etc.), as well as when checking each item after production. We bought the goods from suppliers typically for the Chinese market, who do not speak English, without an account in dollars and an export license. By buying it from companies that do not permanently export, we have it at a very attractive price.


Praktyczny poradnik: 5 kluczowych elementów minimalizacji ryzyka importu z Chin, cz.1.